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26th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications Best Paper Award
- 2015: Alexandra Silva
AAAI Best Paper Award
- 1987: Ramin Zabih
AAAI Classic Paper Award
The AAAI Classic Paper award honors the author(s) of paper(s) deemed most influential, chosen from a specific conference year.
- 2016: Carla Gomes , Bart Selman
AAAI Feigenbaum Prize
- 2021: Carla Gomes
AAAI Fellow
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fellowship: To recognize individuals who have made significant, sustained contributions---usually over at least a ten-year period---to the field of artificial intelligence.
- 2024: Claire Cardie , Kilian Weinberger
- 2020: Silvia Ferrari
- 2015: Thorsten Joachims
- 2013: Lillian Lee
- 2007: Carla Gomes
- 2001: Bart Selman
- 1993: Joseph Halpern
AAAI Outstanding Senior Program Chair Award
- 2011: Kilian Weinberger
AAAS Fellow
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow: To recognize research in the interaction of science, technology and government in the United States and around the world.
- 2023: Haym Hirsh
- 2022: Claire Cardie
- 2013: Carla Gomes
- 2008: Dexter Kozen
- 2005: Joseph Halpern
- 2003: Bart Selman
- 2002: Donald Greenberg
- 1992: Fred Schneider
- 1990: David Gries
- 1987: John Hopcroft
- 1981: Juris Hartmanis
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Technical Achievement Award
- 2013: Doug James
- 2004: Steve Marschner
ACL Best Resource Paper Award
- 2017: Yoav Artzi
ACL Distinguished Service Award
- 2021: Lillian Lee
ACL Fellow
Association for Computational Linguistics Fellowship: To recognize members whose contributions to the field have been most extraordinary in terms of scientific and technical excellence, service to the association and the community and/or educational or outreach activities with broader impact.
- 2017: Lillian Lee
- 2015: Claire Cardie
ACM ASSETS Best Paper Award
- 2013: Shiri Azenkot
- 2012: Shiri Azenkot
ACM CCS Best Student Paper
- 2013: Elaine Shi
ACM CHI Best Paper Award
This award honors exceptional submissions to the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- 2018: Tom Ristenpart
- 2018: Nicola Dell
- 2018: Phoebe Sengers
- 2012: Tapan Parikh
- 2010: Tapan Parikh
- 2010: Phoebe Sengers
- 2008: Phoebe Sengers
ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work Best Demonstration Award
- 2017: Wendy Ju
ACM Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation Most Influential Paper
- 1996: Greg Morrisett
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Test of Time Award
- 2011: Vitaly Shmatikov
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) Best Paper Award
- 2020: Nicola Dell
- 2017: Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
- 2014: Jon Kleinberg
ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) Best Paper Award
- 2015: Eva Tardos
- 2014: Jon Kleinberg
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
- 2014: Robert Kleinberg
- 2010: Robert Kleinberg
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) Best Paper Award
- 2021: Jon Kleinberg
ACM CSCW Diversity and Inclusion Award
- 2019: Nicola Dell
ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC) Best Paper Award
- 2020: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
ACM Fellow
- 2025: Nate Foster
- 2024: Phoebe Sengers , Noah Snavely , Kilian Weinberger
- 2021: Robert Kleinberg , Steve Marschner
- 2019: Kavita Bala , Claire Cardie
- 2018: Lillian Lee
- 2017: Carla Gomes
- 2014: Thorsten Joachims , Johannes Gehrke
- 2013: Andrew Myers , Jon Kleinberg , Greg Morrisett , David Williamson
- 2012: Bart Selman , Ramin Zabih
- 2010: Lorenzo Alvisi
- 2009: Robbert van Renesse
- 2007: Daniel Huttenlocher
- 2003: Dexter Kozen
- 2002: Joseph Halpern
- 2001: David Shmoys
- 2000: Deborah Estrin
- 1999: Ken Birman
- 1998: Eva Tardos
- 1995: Fred Schneider , Robert Constable , Gerald Salton
- 1994: David Gries , Juris Hartmanis , John Hopcroft
ACM Infosys Foundation Award
Recognizes personal contributions by young scientists and system developers to a contemporary innovation that, through its depth, fundamental impact and broad implications, exemplifies the greatest achievements in the discipline.
- 2009: Jon Kleinberg
ACM International Conference on Functional Programming Best Paper
- 1999: Greg Morrisett
ACM International Systems and Storage Conference Best Paper Award
The ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR) is an excellent international forum for interaction across the systems research community. The program includes both innovative, peer-reviewed research papers in the broad area of systems and storage, as well as distinguished keynote lecturers, a poster session, and social events.
- 2014: Lorenzo Alvisi
ACM on Human-Computer Interaction Best Paper Award
- 2020: Tom Ristenpart
ACM Prize in Computing Award
- 2009: Jon Kleinberg
ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award
- 1977: David Gries
- 2020: Nate Foster
ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award
- 2018: Nate Foster
- 2020: Kavita Bala
- 2018: Steve Marschner
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award
The Computer Graphics Achievement Award is awarded annually to recognize an individual for an outstanding achievement in computer graphics and interactive techniques.
- 2020: Kavita Bala
- 2015: Steve Marschner
ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award
The Significant New Researcher Award is awarded annually to a researcher who has made a recent significant contribution to the field of computer graphics and is new to the field.
- 2014: Noah Snavely
ACM SIGGRAPH Steven Coons Award
The Steven A. Coons award is given in odd-numbered years to an individual to honor that person's lifetime contribution to computer graphics and interactive techniques.
- 1988: Donald Greenberg
ACM SIGIR Conference Best Paper Award
- 2020: Thorsten Joachims
ACM SIGKDD Best Paper Award
- 2019: Austin Benson
- 2019: David Bindel
- 2006: Thorsten Joachims
- 2005: Jon Kleinberg
- 2003: Jon Kleinberg
- 2003: Eva Tardos
ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award
The award recognizes individuals for their outstanding technical contributions to the field of knowledge discovery in data and data mining that have had lasting impact in furthering the theory and/or development of commercial systems.
- 2020: Thorsten Joachims
- 2013: Jon Kleinberg
ACM Sigmobile Outstanding Contribution Award
The SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contribution Award is given for significant and lasting contributions to the research on mobile computing and communications and wireless networking.
- 2009: Deborah Estrin
ACM SIGPLAN Most Influential Paper Award
- 2015: Nate Foster
- 1999: Andrew Myers
ACM SIGPLAN PLDI Distinguished Paper Award
Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) is the premier forum for researchers, developers, practitioners, and students to present research on programming language design and implementation. Each year a “Most Influential” PLDI paper from 10 years previously is chosen and a presentation is made at PLDI.
- 2015: Andrew Myers
- 2013: Andrew Myers
ACM SIGPLAN POPL Distinguished Paper Award
- 2020: Nate Foster
- 2020: Dexter Kozen
- 2020: Alexandra Silva
ACM SIGPLAN Robin Milner Young Researcher Award
The Robin Milner Young Researcher Award is given by ACM SIGPLAN to recognize outstanding contributions by young investigators in the area of programming languages
- 2023: Nate Foster
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- 2016: Owolabi Legunsen
ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles Best Paper Award
- 2007: Lorenzo Alvisi , Andrew Myers
- 2001: Andrew Myers
ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) Best Paper Award
- 2000: Jon Kleinberg
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) Best Paper Award
- 2016: Eshan Chattopadhyay
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) Best Paper Award
- 2014: Francois Guimbretiere
- 2004: Francois Guimbretiere
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) Best Paper Honorable Mention
- 2017: Serge Belongie
ACM Tapia Best Poster Award
- 2003: Hakim Weatherspoon
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems Best Paper Award
- 2012: Zhiru Zhang
ACM Turing Award
The ACM Turing Award is the computer science equivalent of the Nobel Prize, given for outstanding, original research with an impact.
- 1993: Juris Hartmanis
- 1986: John Hopcroft
ACM/AAAI Newell Award
The Newell Award recognizes career contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines.
- 2022: Carla Gomes
- 2014: Jon Kleinberg
- 2009: Joseph Halpern
ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interactions Conference Best Demonstration Award
- 2015: Wendy Ju
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction Best Paper Award
- 2019: Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee
- 2015: Guy Hoffman
ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) Best Paper Award
- 2019: Zhiru Zhang
ACT Best Paper Award
- 2019: Karthik Sridharan
Adobe Research Award: Adobe Systems Incorporated Award
- 2016: Serge Belongie
AFOSR Young Investigator Award
Air Force Office of Scientific Research YIP supports scientists and engineers who have received a Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the last five years, and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research.
- 2015: Christopher Batten
- 2012: Michael Clarkson
- 2010: Rafael Pass
- 2008: G. Edward Suh
AI2050 Early Career Fellowship, Schmidt Sciences
- 2025: Sarah Dean
AIAA Best Paper
- 2004: Mark Campbell
AISTATS Best Student Paper Award
- 2005: Kilian Weinberger
AITO Junior Dahl-Nygaard Prize
The AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prizes are named for Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard, two pioneers in the area of programming and simulation. In 2004 AITO established a prize to be awarded annually to a senior researcher with outstanding career contributions and a younger researcher who has demonstrated great potential for following in the footsteps of these two pioneers.
- 2017: Ross Tate
Allen Newell Medal for Research Excellence
The Newell Medals were created in honor of the late Allen Newell, who helped to co-found the fields of artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology with the late Herbert Simon.
- 2001: Greg Morrisett
Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation
- 2022: Dexter Kozen
Alston S. Householder Award
Awarded once every three years for best thesis in numerical linear algebra
- 2008: David Bindel
Amazon Research Award
- 2020: Wendy Ju
Amazon Web Services Research Award
- 2018: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2015: Serge Belongie
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Member
An international learned society composed of the world's leading scientists, scholars, artists, business people, and public leaders.
- 2017: Fred Schneider
- 2015: Joseph Halpern
- 2007: Deborah Estrin , Jon Kleinberg
- 2001: Eva Tardos
- 1992: Juris Hartmanis
- 1987: John Hopcroft
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chair
- 2018: Joseph Halpern
- 2016: Carla Gomes
- 2009: Bart Selman
American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering
To recognize a demonstrable record of individual achievement in research, development, education, manufacturing, public service, technological leadership and/or clinical practice as they relate to medical and biological engineering.
- 1992: Donald Greenberg
American Mathematical Society-Mathematical Programming Society Fulkerson Prize for outstanding paper in discrete mathematic
- 2000: David Williamson
American Philosophical Society
- 2024: Jon Kleinberg
- 2020: Eva Tardos
Amity Book's Prize
- 2015: David Gries
AMS Fellow
The Fellows of the American Mathematical Society program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.
- 2012: Juris Hartmanis , Eva Tardos
Anita Borg Institute's Women of Vision Award for Innovation
The Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision Awards honor exceptional technical women. Three awards are presented by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology each year, recognizing women in the categories of Innovation, Leadership, and Social Impact.
- 2007: Deborah Estrin
Army Young Investigator Research Program Award
- 2011: G. Edward Suh
ASCA Creative Research Award in Architecture
- 1997: Donald Greenberg
ASIS Award of Merit
The American Society of Information Science and Technology's highest honor, bestowed annually to an individual who has made a noteworthy contribution to the field of information science.
- 1989: Gerald Salton
ASME Fellow
- 2020: Silvia Ferrari
ASPLOS Best Paper Award
The 23rd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems is the premier forum for multidisciplinary systems research spanning computer architecture and hardware, programming languages and compilers, operating systems and networking.
- 2015: Elaine Shi
ASPLOS Hall Of Fame
- 2019: Christina Delimitrou
ASPLOS Most Influential Paper Award
The ASPLOS Most Influential Paper Award recognizes a historical ASPLOS paper that has had major influence on the field. The Program Committee nominates highly influential papers from any ASPLOS conference that occurred ten or more conferences ago, with the final selection being made by the ASPLOS Steering Committee.
- 2018: David Bindel
- 2018: Hakim Weatherspoon
- 2014: G. Edward Suh
Associate Fellow of the AIAA
- 2006: Mark Campbell
Association for the Advancement of Artifical Intelligence (AAAI), Chair
- 2018: Kilian Weinberger
Association of American Publishers PROSE Award
- 2010: Jon Kleinberg
Atkinson Center Academic Venture Fund (AVF) Grant
The AVF seeds original, multidisciplinary research that is not likely to find funding elsewhere because the projects are novel, risky, need early data to establish traction, or involve new teams working together.
- 2016: Kavita Bala , Carla Gomes
Bert Kay Dissertation Award
- 2016: Eshan Chattopadhyay
Best Conference Papers
These awards are presented to the authors of the best paper at the specified conference.
- 2017: Kilian Weinberger
- 2016: Steve Marschner
- 2015: Serge Belongie
- 2015: Yoav Artzi
- 2014: Jon Kleinberg , Robert Kleinberg
- 2014: Kavita Bala
- 2014: Noah Snavely
- 2013: Andrew Myers
- 2013: Andrew Myers
- 2012: Joseph Halpern
- 2011: Carla Gomes
- 2011: Johannes Gehrke , Christopher Koch
- 2011: Doug James
- 2010: Robert Kleinberg
- 2009: Thorsten Joachims
- 2007: Doug James
- 2007: Jon Kleinberg
- 2007: Andrew Myers
- 2007: Ashutosh Saxena
- 2006: Carla Gomes , Bart Selman
- 2006: Joseph Halpern
- 2006: Thorsten Joachims
- 2006: Jon Kleinberg
- 2005: Thorsten Joachims
- 2005: Jon Kleinberg
- 2004: Carla Gomes , Bart Selman
- 2004: Lillian Lee
- 2003: Jon Kleinberg , Eva Tardos
- 2002: Ramin Zabih
- 2001: Andrew Myers
- 1996: Bart Selman
- 1992: Bart Selman
- 1989: Joseph Halpern
- 1989: Bart Selman
- 1988: Bart Selman
- 1985: Joseph Halpern
Black Engineer of the Year, Modern Day Technology Leader
- 2009: Hakim Weatherspoon
Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists
The New York Academy of Sciences Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists acknowledge and celebrate the excellence of our most noteworthy young scientists and engineers in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
- 2011: Johannes Gehrke
Bloomberg Faculty Award
- 2017: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
Bolzano Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Bolzano Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for Merit in the Field of Mathematical Sciences
- 1995: Juris Hartmanis
Brouwer Medal Award
The Brouwer Medal is a triennial award presented by the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. The Brouwer Metal gets its name from Dutch mathematician L. E. J. Brouwer and is the Netherlands’ most prestigious award in mathematics.
- 2023: Eva Tardos
Burroughs-Wellcome Fund from the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology
Award given to support the continued expansion of the applications of mathematics, including statistics and computer science, to molecular biology.
- 2000: Golan Yona
CACM Research Highlight
The aim of this section is to provide readers with a collection of outstanding research articles, selected from the broad spectrum of computing-research conferences.
- 2016: Immanuel Trummer
- 2014: Kavita Bala
- 2009: Kavita Bala
Caltech's Distinguished Alumni Award
- 2013: Juris Hartmanis
CIDR Best Paper Award
The biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) is a systems-oriented conference, complementary in its mission to the mainstream database conferences like SIGMOD and VLDB, emphasizing the systems architecture perspective.
- 2013: Andrew Myers
Cisco "Technology Visionary" Award
- 2007: Ken Birman
COLT Best Student Paper Award
- 2019: Karthik Sridharan
- 2018: Karthik Sridharan
- 2008: Robert Kleinberg
Computational Aesthetics Best Paper Award
- 2014: Kavita Bala
ComputerWorld 40 Innovative IT People Under 40
- 2007: Ari Juels
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) Best Paper Award
- 2015: Yoav Artzi
- 2010: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
Conference On Learning Theory Best Paper Award
- 2011: Karthik Sridharan
- 2010: Karthik Sridharan
Cornell College of Engineering Research Excellence Award
The award is given in recognition of research contributions and leadership. Nominated by the school, winners are selected by a committee of recognized senior researchers within the College.
- 2020: Silvia Ferrari
- 2020: Hadas Kress-Gazit
- 2020: Madeleine Udell
- 2019: Carla Gomes
- 2019: Mert Sabuncu
- 2018: David Bindel
- 2016: Nate Foster , Bart Selman
Cornell Discovery and Innovation Research Seed Grant
Progam that identifies and supports "a limited number of top rank projects that showed a strong possibility of being able to lead to future external funding after successful proof of concept work enabled by the internal funding."
- 2016: Claire Cardie , Lillian Lee
Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award
- 2015: Christopher Batten
Cornell Institute for Social Sciences ISS Faculty Fellow
In-residence program is to nurture the careers of Cornell University's most promising assistant and associate faculty members in the social sciences.
- 2008: Lillian Lee
Cornell Provost's Award for Distinguished Scholarship
Given to recognize distinguished research by outstanding tenured faculty early in their career.
- 2010: Andrew Myers
- 2007: Lillian Lee
- 2004: Johannes Gehrke
Cornell Society of Engineers Achievement Award
- 2004: K-Y. Daisy Fan
Cornell Tech Faculty Teaching Award
- 2018: Ari Juels
CRA Computing Innovation Fellow
- 2011: David Mimno
CRA Distinguished Service Award
Awarded to a distinguished individual who has contributed significantly to the Computing Research Association
- 2016: Fred Schneider
- 2007: John Hopcroft
CRA-W Distinguished Professor
Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research
- 2010: Claire Cardie
CSAW Applied Cybersecurity Research Competition, First Place
- 2016: Elaine Shi
CVPR Best Paper Award
- 2017: Kilian Weinberger
CVPR Best Student Paper Award
- 2004: Kilian Weinberger
CVPR Outstanding Reviewer Award
- 2018: Bharath Hariharan
- 2015: Bharath Hariharan
Cylab Distinguished Alumni Award
- 2020: Elaine Shi
Dantzig Prize
The prize is awarded for original research, which by its originality, breadth and scope, is having a major impact on the field of mathematical programming.
- 2006: Eva Tardos
DARPA Department of Defense Young Investigator Award
- 2011: Hakim Weatherspoon
DARPA Young Faculty Award
- 2015: Zhiru Zhang
- 2012: Christopher Batten
- 2012: Hadas Kress-Gazit
Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI)
Multidisciplinary University Initiative (MURI) efforts involve teams of researchers investigating high priority topics and opportunities that intersect more than one traditional technical discipline. For many military problems this multidisciplinary approach serves to stimulate innovations, accelerate research progress and expedite transition of results into naval applications. Awards are typically for a period of three years (funded incrementally or as options) with two additional years possible as options to bring the total award to five-years.
- 2017: Carla Gomes , Bart Selman
Discover's 50 Most Important, Influential and Promising People in Science
- 2008: Jon Kleinberg
Dissertation Awards
- 2009: Noah Snavely
- 2002: Timothy Roughgarden
- 1998: Nir Friedman
- 1995: T.V. Raman
- 1983: Thomas Reps
Distinguished Alumnus Award in Computer Sciences & Engineering, UC Berkeley
Distinguished Alumni Awards winners are selected each year by the EE and CS Chairs in consultation with the EECS Faculty Awards Committee and with input from the EECS faculty.
- 2008: Deborah Estrin
Donald E. Knuth Prize
The Donald E. Knuth Prize for outstanding contributions to the foundations of computer science is awarded for major research accomplishments and contributions to the foundations of computer science over an extended period of time.
- 2023: Eva Tardos
EATCS Distingushed Achievements Award
The award is given to acknowledge extensive and widely recognized contributions to theoretical computer science over a life long scientific career.
- 2017: Eva Tardos
- 2016: Dexter Kozen
eBay Research Award
- 2018: Serge Belongie
ECCV Best Paper Award
- 2014: Noah Snavely
- 2002: Ramin Zabih
ECCV Outstanding Reviewer Award
- 2014: Bharath Hariharan
ECML / PKDD Test of Time Award
ECML/PKDD is a federated conference that brings together the European Conference on Machine Learning with the conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. The award is designed to recognize the impact over time of a paper that first appeared at the ECML/PKDD conference ten years earlier.
- 2015: Jon Kleinberg
ECML Best Paper Award
- 2009: Thorsten Joachims
Economic Theory Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
Economic Theory Fellows are selected for their scientific excellence, originality, and leadership; high ethical standards; and scholarly and creative achievement. The contributions of fellows may exist in many areas of theoretical economics, including pure and applied research, and government service.
- 2011: Joseph Halpern
Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing
The prize is given for outstanding papers on the principles of distributed computing, whose significance and impact on the theory and/or practice of distributed computing have been evident for at least a decade.
- 2018: Fred Schneider
- 2009: Joseph Halpern
Einstein Professor Chinese Academy of Science
The Einstein Professorship Program is a key initiative of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Einstein Professorships will be awarded each year to 20 distinguished international scientists actively working at the frontiers of science and technology, for conducting lecture-tours to China.
- 2010: John Hopcroft
Elected to the Executive Council of the AAAI
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- 2008: Claire Cardie
- 2001: Carla Gomes
- 1999: Bart Selman
Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg Fellow with the Max Planck Society
- 2016: Kirstin Petersen
Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar Award
- 2012: Alon Keinan
EMNLP Best Demo Award
- 2020: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (ESGR) Test of Time Award
- 2019: Steve Marschner
European Association for Programming Languages and Systems Best Paper
- 2016: Greg Morrisett
European Association of Theorerical Computer Science (EATCS) Fellow
- 2015: Dexter Kozen
- 2015: Dexter Kozen
Facebook ParlAI Research Award
- 2017: Yoav Artzi
Facebook Research Award
- 2020: Zhiru Zhang
- 2018: Christina Delimitrou
- 2018: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2016: Serge Belongie
Fields Institute Fellow
- 2011: Eva Tardos
FOCS Test of Time Award
- 2020: Eva Tardos
Fraunhofer-Bessel Award of the Humboldt Foundation
Awarded to individuals who are internationally recognised for their achievements in the field of applied research, and who in future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work.
- 2009: Thorsten Joachims
Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Hebrew University
- 2009: Joseph Halpern
Fulbright Scholar
Envisioned by Senator J. William Fulbright, and signed into law in 1946, the Fulbright program promotes "mutual understanding between people of the United States and the people of other countries of the world."
- 2002: Joseph Halpern
Fulkerson Prize
This award is given jointly by the AMS and the Math Program Society. It is given triannually, for a single paper published in the previous six years in discrete mathematics.
- 1988: Eva Tardos
Future of Life Institute Grant
This grant, funded by Elon Musk, is awarded to further research to keep artifical intelligence (AI) robust and beneficial.
- 2015: Carla Gomes , Bart Selman
Gene Golub Doctoral Dissertation Award
Awarded at Stanford University for a doctoral dissertation
- 2016: Anil Damle
Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship
The one-year Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship supports doctoral students whose research accomplishments, teaching, and service to Stanford University have demonstrated their potential for becoming academic leaders.
- 2015: Anil Damle
Glover-Klingman Prize
The Glover-Klingman Prize is awarded each year to an individual or a group for the best paper published inNetworks.
- 2010: Eva Tardos
- 2009: David Williamson
Gödel Prize
The ACM/EATCS Gödel Prize is awarded annually for an outstanding paper (or collection of papers) in the area of theoretical computer science that appeared in a journal during the previous six years.
- 2012: Eva Tardos
- 1997: Joseph Halpern
Google Research Award
The intent of the awards is to support academic research aimed at improving information access (defined broadly).
- 2021: Rachit Agarwal
- 2020: Nicola Dell
- 2020: Nate Foster
- 2020: Tom Ristenpart
- 2019: Vitaly Shmatikov
- 2019: Yoav Artzi
- 2019: Immanuel Trummer
- 2019: Jayadev Acharya
- 2019: Claire Cardie
- 2019: Christina Delimitrou
- 2019: Thorsten Joachims
- 2019: Daniel Lee
- 2018: Zhiru Zhang
- 2018: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2018: Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil , Yoav Artzi , Nicola Dell , Tom Ristenpart , Deborah Estrin
- 2017: Rachit Agarwal
- 2017: Lorenzo Alvisi , Immanuel Trummer
- 2016: Yoav Artzi , Kavita Bala , Eva Tardos , Robbert van Renesse , Lorenzo Alvisi , Adrian Sampson
- 2015: Wendy Ju
- 2015: Ari Juels
- 2015: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2015: Rafael Pass
- 2014: Lorenzo Alvisi
- 2014: Elaine Shi
- 2013: Elaine Shi
- 2012: Claire Cardie
- 2012: Ashutosh Saxena
- 2009: Christopher Koch
Grand Medal of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Lielo Medalu)
The highest award given by the Academy to scientists of Latvia and of foreign countries for their outstanding creative contribution.
- 2001: Juris Hartmanis
Guggenheim Fellowship
These prestigious fellowships are given in all fields, and not only to academicians. Generally, they are for a year. Between 1 and 4 computer scientists have been receiving a Guggenheim Fellowship each year.
- 2011: Doug James
- 2001: Joseph Halpern
- 1999: Eva Tardos
- 1996: Stephen Vavasis
- 1991: Dexter Kozen
- 1990: Robert Constable
- 1983: David Gries
- 1962: Gerald Salton
Guidance Navigation and Control Conference Best Paper Award
- 2011: Mark Campbell
Harvey Prize
The Harvey Prize rewards excellence by recognizing breakthroughs in science and technology.
- 2013: Jon Kleinberg
Hellman Fellowship
- 2013: Tapan Parikh
Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automated Reasoning
The Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automated Reasoning is an award given by CADE Inc. to honour persons or groups for important contributions to the field of automated deduction. The award is named after the French scientist Jacques Herbrand and given at most once per CADE or IJCAR conference.
- 2014: Robert Constable
HiPEAC Best Paper Award
- 2018: Christina Delimitrou
- 2017: Christina Delimitrou
- 2015: Christina Delimitrou
HLI Award for Secure Multiparty Computing
- 2015: Elaine Shi
HLT-NAACL Conference Best Paper Award
- 2012: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2004: Lillian Lee
Honorary Professorship, Beijing Institute of Technology
- 2008: John Hopcroft
Honorary Professorship, Harbin Institute of Technology
- 2017: John Hopcroft
Huawei Research Grant
Provides funding opportunities to leading universities and research institutes conducting innovative research in communication technology, computer science, engineering, and related fields.
- 2017: Immanuel Trummer
Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
For outstanding academics at the peak of their careers. Award winners are invited to spend a period of six to twelve months on academic collaboration with specialist colleagues in Germany.
- 2012: Lorenzo Alvisi
- 2010: David Williamson
- 2010: Johannes Gehrke
IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems Best Paper Award
- 2001: G. Edward Suh
IBM Faculty Development Award
The IBM Faculty Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research, development and service organizations; and promote courseware and curriculum innovation to stimulate growth in disciplines and geographies that are strategic to IBM.
- 2009: Hakim Weatherspoon
- 2000: Johannes Gehrke
- 1986: Keshav K. Pingali
- 1983: Fred Schneider
IBM Faculty Fellow
- 2010: Greg Morrisett
IBM Faculty Partnership Award
These awards are presented each year to full-time profesors at accredited universities to recognize and foster innovative work in academic education and research.
- 2005: Keshav K. Pingali
- 2003: Jayavel Shanmugasundaram
- 2002: Jayavel Shanmugasundaram , Lorenzo Alvisi
- 2001: Lorenzo Alvisi
- 2000: Johannes Gehrke , Lorenzo Alvisi
- 1990: John Hopcroft
IBM Faculty Research Award
- 2016: Ari Juels
IBM First Plateau Invention Achievement Award
Industry award for patent.
- 1985: Joseph Halpern
IBM Outstanding Innovation Award
For work on reasoning about knowledge in 1987 and clock synchronization in 1988
- 2002: Jon Kleinberg
- 1998: Joseph Halpern
- 1987: Joseph Halpern
- 1980: Dexter Kozen
IBM Portugal Scientific Award
- 2011: Alexandra Silva
IBM University Award
- 2020: Ziv Goldfeld
ICCV Helmholtz Prize
The Helmholtz Prize is an award given biyearly by the TCPAMI at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) for fundamental contributions in Computer Vision. The award recognizes ICCV papers from ten years ago with significant impact on computer vision research.
- 2019: Noah Snavely
- 2015: Serge Belongie
- 2013: Ramin Zabih
IEEE Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award
- 2020: Guy Hoffman
IEEE CEDA Ernest S. Kuh Early Career Award
- 2015: Zhiru Zhang
IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award
- 2005: Ari Juels
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium Best Paper Award
The Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) is an annual conference for researchers in computer security, to examine current theories of security, the formal models that provide a context for those theories, and techniques for verifying security.
- 2008: Michael Clarkson , Fred Schneider
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop Best Paper Award
- 2005: Michael Clarkson , Fred Schneider , Andrew Myers
IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award
- 2011: David Albonesi
IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications Best Paper Award
- 1994: Haym Hirsh
IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award
For outstanding contributions in the field of information processing, in relation to computer science.
- 2012: Fred Schneider
IEEE Fellow
Conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.
- 2021: Josè Martinez
- 2020: Hadas Kress-Gazit
- 2020: G. Edward Suh
- 2016: Lorenzo Alvisi
- 2014: Ken Birman
- 2012: Joseph Halpern , Ramin Zabih
- 2011: David Albonesi
- 2011: Stephen Wicker
- 2008: Fred Schneider
- 2004: Deborah Estrin
- 1987: John Hopcroft
IEEE Harry H. Goode Memorial Award
Awarded by the Computer Society on the basis of achievements in the information processing field which are considered either a single contribution of theory, design, or technique of outstanding significance, or the accumulation of important contributions on theory or practice over an extended time period, the total of which represent an outstanding contribution.
- 2005: John Hopcroft
IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award
- 2010: Guy Hoffman
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Best Student Paper
- 2010: Tapan Parikh
IEEE Internet Award
The annual award recognizes from one to three people each year for exceptional contributions to the advancement of Internet technology for network architecture, mobility, and/or end-use applications.
- 2017: Deborah Estrin
IEEE RO-MAN Best Paper Award
- 2008: Guy Hoffman
IEEE Symposium on Computer Security Foundations Machtey Best Student Paper Award
- 1996: Jon Kleinberg
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Best Student Paper Award
- 2012: Vitaly Shmatikov
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Distinguished Student Paper Award
- 2016: Tom Ristenpart
- 2016: Ari Juels
- 2015: Ari Juels
IEEE Symposiums on Security and Privacy Best Practical Paper Award
- 2014: Vitaly Shmatikov
- 2013: Vitaly Shmatikov
IEEE Technical Achievement Award
For outstanding and innovative contributions to the fields of computer and information science and engineering or computer technology, usually within the past ten, and not more than fifteen years.
- 2013: Eva Tardos
- 2011: Johannes Gehrke
IEEE Tsutomu Kanai Award
The Kanai Award recognizes major contributions to the state-of-the art distributed computing systems and their applications.
- 2009: Ken Birman
IEEE VIS Test of Time Award
- 2019: Steve Marschner
IEEE Von Neumann Medal
For outstanding achievements in computer-related science and technology. The achievements may be theoretical, technological, or entrepreneurial, and need not have been made immediately prior to the date of the award.
- 2021: Deborah Estrin
- 2019: Eva Tardos
- 2010: John Hopcroft
IEEE W. Wallace McDowell Award
Awarded for groundbreaking contributions to topics ranging from computational complexity, to the analysis of algebraic computations, to logics of programs and verification
- 2016: Dexter Kozen
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Best Paper Award
- 2015: Serge Belongie
IJCAI "NLP Meets Journalism" Workshop Best Paper Award
The workshop serves as a forum to share and discuss advancements in natural language processing and real needs in the field of journalism.
- 2016: Lillian Lee
IJCNN/Kaggle Social Network Challenge, First Place
- 2011: Elaine Shi
INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice
- 2018: David Shmoys
INFORMS Data Mining and Decision Analytics Best Paper
- 2016: Nathan Kallus
INFORMS Data Mining and Decision Analytics Best Student Paper Award
- 2017: David Bindel
INFORMS fellows are examples of outstanding lifetime achievement in operations research and the management sciences.
- 2013: David Shmoys
- 2004: Eva Tardos
INFORMS Frederick W. Lanchester Prize
The Lanchester Prize is awarded annually for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English.
- 2013: David Shmoys
- 2013: David Williamson
- 2011: Jon Kleinberg
INFORMS Optimization Society Student Research Prize
- 2019: Madeleine Udell
INFORMS Social Media Analytics Section Best Student Paper
- 2015: Nathan Kallus
INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize
- 2018: Madeleine Udell
Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI)
Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conferences (IAAI) traditionally consist of case studies of deployed applications with measurable benefits whose value depends on the use of AI technology. In addition, many IAAI conferences augment these case studies with papers and invited talks that address emerging areas of AI technology or applications.
- 2021: Carla Gomes
- 2017: Carla Gomes
Intel AI Collaboration Faculty Award
- 2017: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program
The Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program (ECFHP) was created to help Intel connect with the best and brightest early areer faculty members at the top universities around the world.
- 2012: Hakim Weatherspoon
Intel’s Rising Star Award
Each year, the Intel® Rising Star Faculty Award (RSA) program selects early-career academic researchers who are leading the advancements in technology research that demonstrate the potential to disrupt the industry.
- 2023: Owolabi Legunsen
International Association for Cryptologic Research Fellow
The IACR Fellows Program highlights researchers who advance the science, technology and practice of cryptology; promote the free exchange of ideas and information about cryptology; encourage the professional skill and integrity of members of the community; and promote their community to a wider scientific community.
- 2023: Rafael Pass
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Best Paper Award
- 2005: Lorenzo Alvisi
International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Best Paper Award
- 2012: Joseph Halpern
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Best 10-Year Paper Award
- 2009: Thorsten Joachims
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Best Paper Award
ICML is the leading international machine learning conference and is supported by the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS).
- 2016: Christopher De Sa
- 2005: Thorsten Joachims
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Best Student Paper Award
- 2005: Thorsten Joachims
- 2004: Kilian Weinberger
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Best Paper Award
- 1989: Joseph Halpern
- 1985: Joseph Halpern
International Symposium on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines Best Paper Award
- 2018: Zhiru Zhang
International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Best Paper Award
- 1998: Lorenzo Alvisi
International World Wide Web (WWW) Conference Best Paper Award
- 2016: Jon Kleinberg
- 2012: Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
- 2007: Jon Kleinberg
- 2001: Lorenzo Alvisi
Intl Conference on Info. Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) Best Paper Award
- 2006: Jon Kleinberg
Int’l Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems Best Paper Award
- 2012: Mark Campbell
Invited to join the Center for Analytic Economics, Cornell
- 2007: Joseph Halpern
ISMIR Best Student Paper Award
- 2014: Thorsten Joachims
IWSHM Structural Health Monitoring in Action Award
- 2017: Abe Davis
James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars
- 2017: Aaron Wagner
Jean-Claude Laprie Award
Jean-Claude Laprie (1944-2010) was Directeur de Recherche at LAAS-CNRS. He devoted his entire career to research on the dependability of computing systems. The Jean-Claude Laprie Award in Dependable Computing is awarded annually since 2012 by the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance in his honor. The award recognizes outstanding papers that have significantly influenced the theory and/or practice of Dependable Computing.
- 2017: Fred Schneider
Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention
- 2017: Immanuel Trummer
John and Norma Balen Sesquicentennial Faculty FellowshipJohn and Norma Balen Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellowship
- 2016: Christina Delimitrou
John G. Kemeny Prize in Computing, Dartmouth College
- 1974: Dexter Kozen
JPMorgan Chase Faculty AI Research Award
- 2020: Austin Benson
Kampé de Fériet Award
The award was created for the recognition of significant works that reflect the spirit of late Professor Joseph Kampé de Fériet, a famous scientist in France. The award is presented to those with exceptional contributions to the field of information processing and management of uncertainty.
- 2016: Joseph Halpern
Kaplan Faculty Fellowship
- 2018: Tapan Parikh
Katayanagi Emerging Leadership Prize
The Katayanagi Emerging Leadership Prize will be awarded annually to an individual recognized as an emerging research leader.
- 2013: Doug James
- 2010: Jon Kleinberg
Kavli Frontiers Fellow, National Academy of Science
Kavli Frontiers Fellow, National Academy of Science
- 2014: Hakim Weatherspoon
Koenderink Prize for Fundamental Contributions in Computer Vision
The Koenderink Prize is awarded each year at the ECCV, one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of computer vision worldwide, for papers published at ECCV ten years ago which have withstood the test of time.
- 2012: Ramin Zabih
LDV Vision Summit: Entrepreneurial Computer Vision Challenge Winner
For any Computer Vision and Machine Learning students, professors, experts or enthusiasts working on a unique solution to empower businesses and humanity.
- 2016: Kavita Bala
Leading Practices Award, White House Open Government Initiative
- 2010: Claire Cardie
LICS Test of Time Award
- 2011: Dexter Kozen
Lise Meitner Award Fellowship
- 2010: Anke van Zuylen
Lockheed University Research Award
- 2004: Mark Campbell
MacArthur Fellows Award
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellows Program awards unrestricted fellowships to talented individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.
- 2018: Deborah Estrin
- 2005: Jon Kleinberg
Mario Gerla Award for Research in Computer Science
ISSNAF, the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation, annually awards the Young Investigator Awards in various disciplines to outstanding, early-career Italian researchers working in the United States or Canada, in recognition of their significant and innovative contributions to their field of research.
- 2023: Giulia Guidi
Member, Advisory Committee, International Scientists, for the Research Council President of the European Union
- 2000: Carla Gomes
MICCAI Young Scientist Award
- 2007: Mert Sabuncu
Microsoft Azure and Samsung AI Award
- 2016: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
Microsoft Investigator Research Award
- 2020: Hakim Weatherspoon
Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship
- 2014: David Steurer
- 2013: Bharath Hariharan
- 2012: Ashutosh Saxena
- 2011: Noah Snavely
- 2009: Rafael Pass
- 2008: Robert Kleinberg
Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award
- 2016: John Hopcroft
Middleware Best Student Paper Award
- 2015: David Bindel , Robbert van Renesse , Emin Gün Sirer , Adem Gencer
MIT Energy Initiative Award
- 2014: Jayadev Acharya
MIT George M. Sprowls Ph.D. Dissertation Prize
- 1999: Andrew Myers
- 1996: Jon Kleinberg
Most Influential Paper, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
The award is given to a paper from ten years ago that has made "fundamental contributions to computer vision that have withstood the test of time."
- 2010: Daniel Huttenlocher
Most Influential Paper, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
- 2011: Ramin Zabih
Most Influential Paper, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
- 2009: Thorsten Joachims
Most Influential Paper, Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)
Presented annually to the author(s) of a paper presented at the POPL held 10 years prior to the award year.
- 2015: Nate Foster
- 2009: Andrew Myers
- 1998: Greg Morrisett
Most Influential Paper, Special Interest Group on Operating Systems (SIGOPS)
To recognize the most influential operating systems papers that have appeared in the peer-reviewed literature at least ten years in the past.
- 2007: Fred Schneider
NAACL Outstanding Paper Award
- 2018: Yoav Artzi
Named to Women in Robotics “30 women in robotics you need to know about”
- 2020: Hadas Kress-Gazit
National Academy of Engineering Founder's Award
The award recognizes an outstanding NAE member or foreign member who has upheld the ideals and principles of the NAE through professional, educational, and personal achievement and accomplishment.
- 2017: John Hopcroft
National Academy of Engineering Member
To honor extraordinary contributions to engineering and society.
- 2019: Joseph Halpern
- 2011: Fred Schneider
- 2009: Deborah Estrin
- 2008: Jon Kleinberg
- 2007: Eva Tardos
- 1992: R. Conway
- 1991: Donald Greenberg
- 1989: John Hopcroft
- 1989: Juris Hartmanis
National Academy of Medicine
- 2019: Deborah Estrin
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Michael and Sheila Held Prize
The Michael and Sheila Held Prize is presented annually to honor outstanding, innovative, creative, and influential research in the areas of combinatorial and discrete optimization, or related parts of computer science, such as the design and analysis of algorithms and complexity theory.
- 2024: Eshan Chattopadhyay
National Academy of Sciences Award for Initiatives in Research
Awarded to recognize innovative young scientists and to encourage research likely to lead toward new capabilities for human benefit.
- 2001: Jon Kleinberg
- 2001: Jon Kleinberg
National Academy of Sciences Member
Award to recognize outstanding achievements in science.
- 2013: Eva Tardos
- 2011: Jon Kleinberg
- 2009: John Hopcroft
National Computer Graphics Association Academic Award
- 1989: Donald Greenberg
NDSS Test of Time Award
- 2019: Ari Juels
NEC C&C Foundation Award
The Foundation presents the C&C Prizes to distinguished persons in recognition of outstanding contributions to research and development and/or pioneering work in the fields of semiconductors, computers, and/or telecommunications and in their integrated technologies (C&C).
- 2017: John Hopcroft
NEC Labs Data Management University Award
- 2010: Johannes Gehrke
Needham Award
- 2018: Alexandra Silva
NetApp Faculty Fellowship Award
- 2010: Hakim Weatherspoon
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Best Student Paper Award
- 2013: Vitaly Shmatikov
NeurIPS ML4H Workshop Best On Theme Paper Award
- 2020: Emma Pierson
New England Security Day, Cybersecurity Education Chair
The New England Security Day (NESD) conference is designed to bring together premier practitioners, researchers, students, and funding partners in security, in and around New England.
- 2016: Michael Clarkson
- 2011: Mert Sabuncu
NIPS Best Reviewer Award
- 2017: Robert Kleinberg
Nominated for the General Ronald Yates Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer (AFRL/RL)
- 1996: Carla Gomes
Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi (NTVA) Member
Norway's equivalent to the National Academy of Engineering. NTVA has 500 members, of which only 26 are foreign members.
- 2010: Fred Schneider
NSA Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper
- 2013: Elaine Shi
NSF Algorithms in the Field (AitF) Grant
Algorithms in the Field encourages closer collaboration between two groups of researchers: (i) theoretical computer science researchers and (ii) other computing and information researchers who focus on the particular design constraints of applications and/or computing devices.
- 2016: Nate Foster , Robert Kleinberg , Dexter Kozen
NSF Community Instruments and Facilities Small Award
- 2017: Jayadev Acharya
NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award
- 2020: Ziv Goldfeld
- 2019: Eshan Chattopadhyay
- 2017: Jayadev Acharya
NSF Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI) Grant
The objective of the CICI program is to “develop and deploy security solutions that benefit the scientific community by ensuring the integrity and reliable of the end-to-end scientific workflow… Therefore, an increasing area of focus for the NSF is the development and deployment of hardware and software technologies and techniques to protect research cyberinfrastructure across every stage of the scientific workflow.”
- 2016: Deborah Estrin , Nate Foster , Fred Schneider , David Shmoys
NSF Division of Information and Intelligent Systems Grant
- 2020: Hakim Weatherspoon
NSF Expeditions in Computing Grant
The Expeditions in Computing (Expeditions) program was created to provide the CISE research and education community with the opportunity to pursue ambitious, fundamental research agendas that promise to define the future of computing and information.
- 2015: Carla Gomes
NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award
Awarded to support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.
- 2024: Kevin Ellis , Abe Davis , Wen Sun
- 2023: Immanuel Trummer
- 2023: Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee
- 2022: Volodymyr Kuleshov
- 2022: Emma Pierson
- 2022: Bharath Hariharan , Justin Hsu
- 2021: Austin Benson
- 2021: Eshan Chattopadhyay
- 2021: Christopher De Sa
- 2021: Ziv Goldfeld
- 2021: Owolabi Legunsen
- 2021: Rachit Agarwal
- 2019: Adrian Sampson
- 2019: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2019: Siddhartha Banerjee
- 2018: Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
- 2018: Nicola Dell
- 2018: Yoav Artzi
- 2018: Jayadev Acharya
- 2018: Mert Sabuncu
- 2018: Karthik Sridharan
- 2017: David Mimno
- 2015: Zhiru Zhang
- 2015: David Albonesi
- 2013: Nate Foster , Ashutosh Saxena , Tom Ristenpart
- 2012: Noah Snavely , Kilian Weinberger
- 2012: Christopher Batten
- 2011: Hakim Weatherspoon
- 2011: Tapan Parikh
- 2008: Rafael Pass
- 2008: G. Edward Suh
- 2007: Kavita Bala , Uri Keich , Robert Kleinberg
- 2007: Aaron Wagner
- 2005: Serge Belongie
- 2005: Silvia Ferrari
- 2004: Doug James , Rich Caruana , Steve Marschner
- 2003: Jayavel Shanmugasundaram , Thorsten Joachims , Phoebe Sengers
- 2002: Johannes Gehrke , Andrew Myers , Golan Yona
- 1999: Greg Morrisett
- 1998: Bart Selman , Lorenzo Alvisi
- 1997: Jon Kleinberg
- 1996: Claire Cardie
- 2016: Anil Damle
- 2001: Anne Bracy
NSF Grant in Cybersecurity
NSF awards $2.5 million to Cornell researchers to develop software tools that will improve cybersecurity
- 2017: Andrew Myers , Elaine Shi , Greg Morrisett , Rafael Pass
NSF Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Award
- 2018: Phoebe Sengers
NSF Kavli Frontiers of Science Kavli Scholar
- 2020: Austin Benson
NSF Large Collaborative Grant
This large collaborative grant is awarded to fund research on the science and applications of cryptocurrency, leveraging cryptography, game theory, programming languages, and system secuirty techniques.
- 2015: Elaine Shi , Emin Gün Sirer
NSF Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
Established by the National Science and Technology Council in 1996, the PECASE award is the hightest honor bestowed by the U.S. governement, which recognizes and honors outstanding scientists and engineers.
- 2013: Noah Snavely
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
Prestigious Research-Fund Awards to Young Faculty.
- 1996: Nick Trefethen
- 1994: B.R. Donald , David Shmoys
- 1991: Eva Tardos
- 1990: Stephen Vavasis
- 1989: Keshav K. Pingali
- 1987: David Shmoys
NYSTAR Faculty Development Award
These awards through the New York State Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation Faculty Development Program assist universities in the retention of leading research faculty in science and technology fields with strong commercial potential
- 2007: Johannes Gehrke
NYU-Poly AT&T Best Applied Security Paper Award
- 2012: Vitaly Shmatikov
ONR Young Investigator Award
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) YIP Program seeks to identify and support academic scientists and engineers who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees within the last five years and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research.
- 2016: Elaine Shi
- 2004: Silvia Ferrari
- 1999: Jon Kleinberg
OOPSLA Distinguished Paper Award
- 2017: Ross Tate
Outstanding Reserach Award of Web Intelligence Consortium
- 2013: John Hopcroft
Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering
The Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering allow the nation's most promising young professors to pursue their science and engineering research.
- 2023: Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
- 2019: Kirstin Petersen
- 2015: Elaine Shi
- 2007: Adam Siepel
- 1999: Jon Kleinberg
- 1995: Eva Tardos
PAKDD Test of Time Award
The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is a leading international conference in the areas of knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD).
- 2016: Jon Kleinberg
PAMI Everingham Prize
To commemorate Mark Everingham, the prize shall be given to a researcher, or a team of researchers, who have made a selfless contribution of significant benefit to other members of the computer vision community. The award is given out by the IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Technical Committee.
- 2016: Ramin Zabih
PAMI Young Researcher Award
This annual award recognizes a young researcher for their distinguished research contribution to computer vision. The award is given out by the IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Technical Committee, and the selection is managed by the PAMI-TC awards committee.
- 2022: Bharath Hariharan
PCCW Affinito-Stewart Award
- 2005: Kavita Bala
PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- 2014: Vitaly Shmatikov
- 2008: Vitaly Shmatikov
- 2007: Ari Juels
Philip Leverhulme Prize
- 2016: Alexandra Silva
Philip McCord Morse Lectureship Award
The Lectureship is awarded in honor of Philip McCord Morse in recognition of his pioneer contribution to the field of operations research and the management sciences.
- 2017: Eva Tardos
Popular Science's Annual Brilliant Ten
Annual list of the most impressive young scientists in the U.S
- 2007: Emin Gün Sirer
- 2005: Doug James
Presburger Award
- 2017: Alexandra Silva
Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS)
PLAS is an annual ACM SIGPLAN Workshop that focuses on the use of programming-language and program-analysis techniques to improve the security of software systems.
- 2015: Michael Clarkson
Radcliffe Institute Fellow
- 2011: Carla Gomes
Ray Reiter Prize
- 2012: Joseph Halpern
Research and Extension Award for Early Achievement
- 2013: Alon Keinan
Rising Professional Achievement Award, UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
- 2018: Zhiru Zhang
Rolf Nevanlinna Prize
International Congress of Mathematicians, for outstanding contributions in Mathematical Aspects of Information Sciences.
- 2006: Jon Kleinberg
Ross Freeman Award for Technical Innovation
- 2012: Zhiru Zhang
Royal Society Wolfson Award
- 2019: Alexandra Silva
SAIC Best Paper Award
- 1994: Stephen Wicker
Senior Distinguished Scientist Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
An award established by the Federal Republic of Germany for the promotion of international research cooperation.
- 1994: Juris Hartmanis
- 1988: Gerald Salton
SenSys Best Paper Award
- 2018: Rajalakshmi Nandakumar
Awarded once every 3 years for the best applied linear algebra journal paper
- 2014: David Bindel
SIAM Fellow
- 2024: David Bindel
- 2016: David Williamson
- 2012: David Shmoys
SIAM Group on Optimization Prize
- 1999: David Williamson
SIGCOMM Networking Systems Award
- 2018: Robert Kleinberg
SIGCSE “Top Ten CS Education Research Paper”
- 2019: David Gries
SIGecom Mid-Career Award
The SIGecom Mid-Career Award recognizes outstanding individuals whose contributions have had great impact in the field of economics and computation.
- 2023: Robert Kleinberg
SIGEST Paper for SIAM Review Selection
Each SIGEST section highlights an exceptional paper that is chosen for its readability and wide appeal to the SIAM community, that has previously appeared in one of SIAM's nine specialized research journals
- 2015: David Bindel
SIGIR Academy Inaugural Member
- 2021: Thorsten Joachims
SIGIR Gerard Salton Award
This award honors those who have made "... significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval".
- 1983: Gerald Salton
SIGIR Test of Time Award
The SIGIR Test of Time Award recognizes research that has had long-lasting influence, including impact on a subarea of information retrieval research, across subareas of information retrieval research, and outside of the information retrieval research community.
- 2016: Thorsten Joachims
- 2016: Thorsten Joachims
- 2015: David Bindel
- 2005: Thorsten Joachims
SIGKDD Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2020: Thorsten Joachims
SIGKDD Test of Time Award
- 2017: Thorsten Joachims
- 2016: Jon Kleinberg
- 2015: Thorsten Joachims
- 2014: Eva Tardos , Jon Kleinberg
SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award
The SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award was instituted in 2005 to recognize the most influential Operating Systems papers that were published at least ten years in the past.
- 2015: Alan Demers
- 2013: Ken Birman
- 2007: Fred Schneider
SIGPLAN Research Highlight
Since 2008, SIGPLAN has selected papers from its sponsored conferences that are of high quality and broad appeal. These papers, called SIGPLAN Research Highlights, are selected by a committee representing SIGPLAN’s major conferences and elected officials.
- 2016: Nate Foster
Simons Investigators Award
The Simons Investigators program provides a stable base of support for outstanding scientists, enabling them to undertake long-term study of fundamental questions.
- 2012: Jon Kleinberg
Sloan Research Fellowship
Designed to identify those who show the most outstanding promise of making fundamental contributions to new knowledge. Chosen by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
- 2023: Eshan Chattopadhyay
- 2021: Madeleine Udell
- 2021: Rachit Agarwal
- 2021: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
- 2018: Karthik Sridharan , David Steurer
- 2016: David Mimno
- 2015: Tom Ristenpart
- 2014: Elaine Shi
- 2014: Tapan Parikh
- 2012: Noah Snavely , Nate Foster
- 2011: Rafael Pass , Ashutosh Saxena , Hakim Weatherspoon
- 2011: Alon Keinan
- 2010: David Bindel
- 2008: Robert Kleinberg
- 2006: Doug James , Steve Marschner
- 2005: Serge Belongie
- 2003: Johannes Gehrke
- 2002: Lillian Lee , Andrew Myers
- 2001: Lorenzo Alvisi
- 1999: Bart Selman
- 1998: Greg Morrisett
- 1997: Jon Kleinberg
- 1991: Eva Tardos
Smithsonian Magazine's America's Young Innovator's Award
37 people under the age of 36 who are helping to shape the world. Those honored are scholars, singers, writers, scientists, musicians, painters, activists and more than one public-spirited computer maven
- 2007: Jon Kleinberg
Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM) Fellow
Program to recognize certain members who have made outstanding contributions to the fields SIAM serves
- 2009: Charles Van Loan , Eva Tardos , John Hopcroft
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Activity Group Supercomputing Early Career Prize
The SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG/SC) Early Career Prize, established in 2009, is awarded to one individual in their early career for outstanding research contributions in the field of algorithms research and development for parallel scientific and engineering computing in the three calendar years prior to the award year.
- 2024: Giulia Guidi
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Richard C. DiPrima Prize
- 1996: David Williamson
Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture at SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland OR
- 2018: Eva Tardos
Sony Faculty Award
- 2019: Alexander "Sasha" Rush
Special Recognition Award, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
Recognized for her ground-breaking research in integrating AI and operations research techniques
- 1999: Carla Gomes
Superior Accomplishment Award, U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory
Dahlgern, Va.
- 1961: David Gries
Surface Transportation Track, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Best Student Paper
- 2015: Wendy Ju
The Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2017: Ziv Goldfeld
Toyota Research Institute Young Faculty Researcher Award
With a mission to create new tools and capabilities to improve the human condition, TRI is focused on four research areas: energy and materials; human-centered artificial intelligence (AI); human interactive driving, and robotics.
- 2024: Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee
U.C Berkeley David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize
- 2006: Aaron Wagner
UC Berkeley MacKay Fellow
- 2007: Deborah Estrin
UCSD Computer Science and Engineering Department Dissertation Award
- 2011: Tom Ristenpart
UIUC Feng Chen Memorial Award in Software Engineering
- 2017: Owolabi Legunsen
UMD Invention of the Year Award
- 2013: Elaine Shi
University of Washington CSE Alumni Achievement Award
In Spring 2010, UW CSE introduced the Alumni Achievement Awards. Every year since, we have selected two outstanding alumni with exceptional records of achievement for recognition during our graduation celebration. The awards reaffirm to current and future CSE graduates that each contributes to a long, successful line of alumni whose impact reaches far and wide.
- 2017: Hakim Weatherspoon
University of Washington CSE William Chan Memorial Dissertation Award
- 2015: Adrian Sampson
- 2009: Noah Snavely
USENIX Annual Technical Conference Best Paper Award
The USENIX Annual Technical Conference brings together leading systems researchers for cutting-edge systems research and unlimited opportunities to gain insight into a variety of must-know topics, including virtualization, system and network management and troubleshooting, cloud and edge computing, security, privacy, and trust, mobile and wireless, and more.
- 2014: Tom Ristenpart
- 2007: Lorenzo Alvisi
USENIX NSDI Best Paper Award
- 2018: Nate Foster
USENIX NSDI Community Award
To encourage broader code and data sharing within the NSDI community, the conference will also present a “Community Award” for the best paper whose code and/or data set is made publicly available.
- 2013: Nate Foster
USENIX Security Best Student Paper
- 2005: Ari Juels
Usenix Security Symposium Best Paper
- 2006: Greg Morrisett
USENIX Security Symposium Distinguished Paper Award
- 2020: Rachit Agarwal
- 2020: Nicola Dell
- 2020: Tom Ristenpart
- 2019: Nicola Dell
USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design (SOSP) and Implementation Best Paper Award
- 2020: Lorenzo Alvisi
UW Diamond Early Career Achievement
- 2010: Tapan Parikh
Van Wijngaarden Award
Awarded every 5 years for exceptional contribution to mathematics and computer science.
- 2011: Eva Tardos
Vannevar Bush Award
Honors truly exceptional lifelong leaders in science and technology who have made substantial contributions to the welfare of the nation through public service activities in science, technology, and public policy.
- 2019: Jon Kleinberg
VMWare Research Faculty Award
- 2018: Christina Delimitrou
- 2015: Elaine Shi
WAGS Innovation in Technology
- 2008: Tapan Parikh
Wallenberg Academy Fellow
- 2013: Rafael Pass
Workday Faculty Award
- 2018: Claire Cardie
Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program Award
The Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program (FREP) is designed to produce the highest quality scientific collaborations and outcomes by engaging with faculty members working in areas of mutual interest.
- 2012: Kilian Weinberger
- 2011: Lillian Lee , Jon Kleinberg , Johannes Gehrke
- 2010: Kilian Weinberger