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The Master of Engineering Program is designed to allow students flexibility in their course choices so they can best tailor their program of study to match both what they are interested in and their post-graduation employment goals. Although there is flexibility there are several rules and requirements which must be met before a degree is conferred.
Total Credits Required
- A student must complete a total of 30 credit hours.
- Any work that contributes to these 30 credits must begin after entering the M.Eng program --- courses and other work completed before entering the program cannot be counted retroactively. Any exceptions to the above must be pre-approved by the CS M.Eng. Program Administration.
- None of the 30 credits may be counted toward any other degree program.
- No more than 20 credits can be taken in one semester.
- At least 28 credits must be taken for a letter grade.
- Only two s/u credits will be counted towards the degree credit requirement.
- Courses taken as Audit will not count towards the degree credit and students may only enroll in one audit course per semester.
- Not every CS course allows AUDIT as a grading option
Distribution of Credits
- All non-project credits must be earned from courses that are both "technical" and "advanced".
- "Advanced" courses include most upper level and graduate-level courses (5000 and above.)
- Many, although not all, 5000 and 6000 level courses offered by the College of Engineering, the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and the ''Information Systems'' program at the Johnson Graduate School of Management can be considered "advanced." The M.Eng Curriculum Committee determines whether a course is considered technical.
- For Computer Science courses, "advanced" courses are numbered 5000 and above.
- No courses at the 4000 level will be accepted*
- . *courses taken prior to summer 2021 exempt
- For courses co-listed at the 4000 and 5000 levels, M.Eng students must enroll in the 5000 level version.
- 5000 level courses co-listed with a 4000 level course will have different expectations
- Three to six (3-6) of the 30 credits must be earned as project credit
- Project courses and practicum courses do not count as your M.Eng Project
- Additional information on projects can be found here.
- Project grade must not be lower than a B to count towards project requirement.
- Project credit will not be counted towards the required 15 CS course credits.
- No more than 6 credits of Project work will be counted towards the 30 credit total
- All projects must be accompanied by a written report due on the last day of final exams
- All project work must be taken for a letter grade.
- Project courses and practicum courses do not count as your M.Eng Project
- At least 15 of the 30 credits must come from Computer Science courses that are not
- Seminars
- Independent studies (CS 5999/7999)
- CS 5199 will not count as CS Course credit
M.Eng project (CS 5999)
Grade Requirements
- A minimum of twenty-eight credits required must be taken for a letter grade.
- No course with a grade of less than C- will be counted for M.Eng credit.
- A grade of B or better is required for all the credits associated with the project.
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 must be maintained to continue in the program.
- M.Eng. students must be registered as full-time students while taking courses and completing project work under the course CS 5999. Please visit the M.Eng Project page for additional information.
- Students are expected to complete the program in two semesters and should plan their schedules accordingly. Under certain circumstances, a student may be approved for an additional semester of full-time study. Additional semesters are only permitted with prior approval of the CS M.Eng. Office.
Students should not expect an extension of their student status for reasons such as continuing a job search, waiting for graduate school decisions, etc.
Students must be registered as full-time for all semesters (12 credit minimum). No part-time study is permitted.