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- What are the criteria for good standing?
- What are the rules about taking courses S/U?
- How do you get set up with a double major?
- How do you transfer credit from another institution?
- How do you transfer to another college at Cornell?
- What are the criteria for graduation?
- How do you graduate with honors?
Good Standing
Students must meet the following criteria for good standing at the end of each semester.
- An overall term average of at least 2.3.
- A weighted term average for courses required in the major program of at least 2.5.
- An average of 14 credit hours toward the degree completed each semester.
- No failing (F or U/UX) grades.
- No grade below C- in:
- Any required CS course
- Any required Math course
- Any course to be used as a Technical Elective or an External Specialization course. *
- Successful completion of at least three of the CS core courses by the end of Junior year (CS 2800, CS 3110, CS 3410/3420, CS 4410/4414, CS 4820).
- Must be making adequate progress toward completion of the degree.
- At least one meeting with the advisor during the semester.
Failure to meet any of these criteria could result in an academic warning or separation from the major.
*Students in the major are required to retake any required CS or Math courses that result in a final grade below a C-. Elective courses that result in a final grade below a C- may not be used as Math, Technical Electives, or External Specialization courses, however, they may be used to fulfill other requirements if allowed (such as your college's distribution requirements).
The S/U Grade Option
The S/U grade option is not allowed for any CS course, Math course, or any course used to satisfy the Technical Elective or External Specialization requirements.
Double Major
Just affiliate/declare with both majors and get an advisor in each.
Here are the steps to follow in Arts & Sciences if you want to transfer credit earned at another institution:
- Obtain a transfer credit form, "Application for Credit from Other Institutions", from KG17 Klarman Hall.
- Complete the form and attach the course decription and syllabus. This involves getting approval from the department(s) in question. Your advisor's approval is also required.
- Return the completed form to KG17 Klarman Hall and arrange to have the outside institution send a copy of your transcript to the Arts & Sciences registrar.
It is always a good idea to get departmental approvals before you take transfer credit courses elsewhere.
Transferring to Another College at Cornell
If you wish to transfer into another college at Cornell, you should reach out to the internal transfer coordinator of the target college about next steps. More information about which office to reach out to is available at https://internaltransfer.cornell.edu/.