Date Posted: 3/15/2016

The Computing Research Association (CRA) honored Fred Schneider (Samuel B. Eckert Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Cornell), with a Service to CRA Award "for his work with the organization. Fred was a member of the CRA Board from 2007 to 2016, during which time he thought deeply about how to have positive impact on the computing research community and spearheaded several key initiatives.

Fred's importance extends beyond his knowledge, intelligence, and dedication. Fred speaks his mind, regardless of whatever direction the tide may be flowing, and there is always sense in what he says. Time and again, a thoughtful interjection by Fred has caused us to reconsider and change direction, to the enormous benefit of CRA and the field.

The award will be presented at the upcoming 2016 CRA Conference at Snowbird."

Congratulations to Fred Schneider for this amazing accomplishment!